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No, you may not carry any minors.

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Q: Can you carry passengers with a restricted license?
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Related questions

How soon can after getting your license can you have passengers?

6 months after you get your license you can have passengers.

How many passengers can the helicopters carry?

Helicopters carry from 1 - 90 passengers

Can you drive your cousin if you have had your license for under a year?

Anyone with a proper drivers license may operate the vehicle the license is for regardless of the number of passengers the vehicle may carry. For example a standard Class F license permits the holder to operate any light truck, passenger van, or passenger car, regardless of the passengers present in those vehicles.

A restricted license allows you to do what?

Licenses can be restricted for different reasons. For a younger driver, a restriction could be to drive only in daylight hours and with limited passengers. A restriction for traffic violations could be to only allow the driver to operate a car for work purposes.

How many passengers does a 737 carry?

120 passengers

How many passengers can a newly qualified driver carry?

Over here you can carry as many passengers as the car is designed to carry.

What are planes that carry no passengers called?

Cargo planes do not carry passengers. Some commercial planes make "ghost flights" with no passengers on board.

Do your passengers get fined if they are in your car and you only have a restricted licence?

No, only you!

What is a hardship license?

A hardship license allows a teen to drive as a restricted licensed driver. The age varies by state. Usually there limitations placed upon the driver such as route, miles, no night driving and only family members as passengers.

What is the penalty for driving with too many passengers on a restricted license in NH?

I can only answer what happened in court today with my daughter who is 16. We live in Ohio. She had a headlight violation and too many passengers. The judge must have been in a good mood because he dropped the too many passengers and the license restriction charges and just gave her a headlight violation. She had to pay a $25 fine and $70 court cost but has no additional restrictions on her license. He did worn her that if he sees her again before she is 18 that he will not be so generous.

What is the difference between a revoked license and a restricted license?

A revoked license is completely canceled and the individual no longer has driving privileges. A restricted license, on the other hand, allows driving under certain conditions or limitations, such as only for work or medical appointments.

Can you go for a restricted license in nz if you are 15 but have your learners?

Yes you can. In NZ, you can get your leaners when you turn 15 and after at least 6 months on your learners license, you can sit a restricted license test.