SO false. All a loan company can do is to ensure you have insurance to cover their liability. Thay can force you to show proof of insurance but it has nothing to do with buying a car.
you do not need to bring any special paperwork if you are buying a car from a car auction. the only proof you will need is the paperwork after to buy the car to get insurance and the titles switched in your name.
When looking to buy insurance for the company limousine it may be possible to save time by buying the insurance required online. Companies such as Willis Programs and Lancer Insurance advertise that they sell specialized limousine insurance.
Yes, but you have to buy it straight out and you can't drive it on the road! Buying a car on credit, you need a valid Driver License in order to get Insurance. A car dealer wont release a car on credit without proof of insurance and Insurance companies won't give you coverage unless you have a valid Driver License.
It is a home you are buying to rent out, and you are only wanting insurance to cover the property not items
It should be possible to set up a new policy at the same time you buy the car. You may have a day delay in being able to take the car home from the dealer. Be very careful about dealer selected auto insurance as it may not include liability coverage. This really shouldn't be too difficult to do.
Vet insurance may be worth buying, however it is generally more expensive to buy insurance if you do not anticipate having an injured pet. However if you love your pet, it may give you peace of mind to get it.
Yes and one of the benefits of buying insurance from the company you work for may be a reduced premium. == ==
In the United States the answer is "Yes" you can buy Auto Insurance without a license. In fact you are required to be insured before you take your driving test to get your drivers license.There are many Insurance companies in the United States that will issue your Auto Insurance Policy without you first having your Drivers License.Happy MotoringOther answersNo, you need to give the insurance company proof that you can drive otherwise buying a car for no reason 007 SGS
You have to actually "BUY" the insurance. No state is going to re-instate your license so long as you have no insurance. Take Care
Yes, it is state law that cars have insurance so they won't let you drive off the lot without proof of insurance.
Auto InsuranceIts just Auto Insurance. If You buy full coverage you will have it or you can just buy liability. The SR22 certificate is not your car Insurance. It's just a form giving proof that you have Insurance. It's up to you if you want to buy Full Coverage or not.