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You can purchase a car in Georgia and take it back to Florida when you purchase from a major car dealership. Smaller car dealerships that finance will likely not allow you to take the car out of state.

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Q: Can you buy a car in Georgia with a Florida license?
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Do you need a Florida drivers license to buy a car in Florida?

Yes, a drivers license is one of the documents required in Florida to buy a car. A license can be obtained once a person has driven on a permit for 6 months.

Do you need a drivers license to buy a car in Florida?

Yes, a drivers license is one of the documents required in Florida to buy a car. A license can be obtained once a person has driven on a permit for 6 months.

Do you need a license to buy a car in florida?

The Florida Highway Safety Motor Vehicle website makes no claim that a license is required to buy a vehicle. Obviously you must have a license to drive one, but owning a car is legal without a license.

Can you buy a car in Florida without a drivers license?

yes, you don't have to have a drivers liscense to buy a car

How do yo get a Auctions license to buy car's at the auctions in Florida?

? No sr

How do yo get a Auctions license to buy car's at the auctions in Georgia?

You don't need an auction license to buy cars at an auction you need a dealer license for dealer only auctions. There are a number of auctions in Georgia that are open to the public. But if you would like to buy at a dealer only auction the state of Georgia dealer and wholesaler license is handled buy the department of revenue. Everything you need to know is list on their web site.

In Georgia can you buy a car without a driver license?

No, in Georgia you generally need a driver's license to purchase a car. The dealer may require a valid driver's license as part of the identification process when buying a car. Additionally, you need a driver's license to legally operate a motor vehicle in Georgia.

Do you need a Florida car inspection to get Florida license plate?

No. There is no Florida car inspection.

You do not have a license can you buy a car?

You do not have to have a license to buy a car if the dealer approves. Some car dealerships prefer the buyer to have a license.

How do Georgia car insurance prices compare to Florida?

The car insurance in Georgia is much cheaper than the insurance in Florida. Florida has some of the highest car insurance in the nation.

Do you need a drivers license to buy a car in Georgia?

You need a GA license if you are planning to lease or finance a car, not if you pay cash. This is because the GA license proof is required by banks who provide the loan - it is not a state regulatory requirement.

Do you need a license to buy car?

You don't need a license to buy a car, but you need a license to drive a car on a public highway.