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Yes, if the person that you hit feels that there was not enough payout. Or there injuries where life treating or there injuries are keeping them from ever returning to work or live a normal life.

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Q: Can you be sued after car insurance pays?
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If your car is vandalized who pays for the damage?

The vandal if the can be found and sued. Otherwise your insurance if you have full coverage. You will pay a deductible and recover the deductible if the vandal is ever found and successfully sued by your insurance carrier.

What car insurance pays for your injuries when you're in anaccident in your car is?

Car insurance that pays for your injuries when you're in an accident in your car is

Who pays if you wreck your car?

If you wreck your car, then it is usually the insurance that pays for you ;)

If another person has car insurance and has an accident using your car which car insurance is used?

The rule of thumb is that the owner's insurance pays first and, if that coverage is inadequate, the driver's car pays.

Who pays for a rental car in an accident?

Usually, one of the insurance companies pays for the rental car.

If a car on finance is stolen and insurance pays out but then the car is recoverd what happens to the car?

It belongs to the insurance company

You did not have car insurance and got into an accident the car is not in your name can you be sued?

Oh yes, big time. If you are at fault and there are damages you can be sued for the damages.

Which car insurance pays for a vandalise windshield?

It would be comprehensive insurance.

Your sister got into an accident with your car and you don't have insurance she is listed under the parents insurance who pays?

Parent's policy pays

Who is insurance pays if you were involved in a car accident?

All of them!

Can a car owner be sued for letting a person drive the car without insurance?

Yes, if there is an accident.

What rights does a person have who pays for car insurance and name isn't on the car?
