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It depends on who's suing you, a private individual pursuant to a crash or the insurance company. First, yes you can be sued as a co-signer. If the insurance comapany is suing you, the can only sue for specific damages. If an individual is suing you, the can sue above the specified amount, as many try to do for pain and suffering, aggravation, loss of wages. There are very few causes of action, however in a crash and the person usually only gets the original amount.

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Q: Can you be sued above and beyond what the liability on your daughter's car insurance is if you are the primary on the co-signed loan?
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A car with liability insurance only is borrowed and in an accident Car is totaled Whose insurance will cover?

When a car is borrowed (with permission) the insurance of the car owner is primary and the insurance of the driver is secondary. Here, the car owner has no coverage to pay for the damage to his/her own car, so the driver's liability insurance would cover the cost of the car. That is assuming the driver has liability insurance, if the driver doesn't have liability insurance, the car owner is stuck (unless he sues the driver).

Who is liable if you are a cosigner and the primary driver has an accident and is charged with DUI?

As long as the driver has auto insurance on the vehicle there should be no problem, DUI or not. If there is no insurance on the vehicle you have a problem. In that case not only will you be liable for the damage to the vehicle you cosigned but you also may have liability for the injuries and damages for anyone they hit. You should be very careful about cosigning a loan with anyone. They will get payment from the one who is easiest to get payment from and that is you most likely.

What does primary and non contributing really mean in regards to general liability insurance coverage?

It means that whoever states their insurance is Primary, it's really Primary regardless of who is at fault. For example, the subcontractors insurance is usually primary over the GCs insurance. This means that if the sub has a claim and in all reality it's the GC's fault, but the sub listed their insurance as primary, then the subs insurance is paying first no matter what. Primary means just that, the insurance listed is PRIMARY, regardless of fault.

Can a co-signer take possession of a car if the primary borrower does not have auto liability insurance in Texas but the lender has taken out insurance to cover the car?

Yes, They can because that means that the primary borrower has failed to meet the requirements of the lender by maintaining coverage on the car. You are already in Default and subject to Repossession by not having the vehicle insured. This failure also increases the risk to the cosigner who is a guarantor on the note. If they decide to Repossess the vehicle and call in the note, your cosigner can be sued and will be held jointly and separately liable for the entirety of original note he cosigned as well as any new charges that have been added due to the primary borrowers breech of contract.A co signer can take charge of the car if the person they cosigned for is not able or does not do what they agreed to. When a financial institution takes out insurance on the car it is to solely keep the institution from being sued, it is not to fix or cover the borrower in anyway, but the borrower will have to pay for the insurance that the financial institution takes out, they usually put it onto the end of the note. Best to keep insurance on the car.

Whats the difference between vicarious liability and primary liability in nursing?

A primary liability is discussed when the libelous action finds you at fault as the caregiver. A vicarious liability is the liability shared with another in a supervisory role.

In Wisconsin are persons cosigned on a loan as grantors liable to pay if the primary signer dies?


How does stating Primary and Non Contributory effect your general liability insurance?

Primary and Non-Contributory Wording means your General Liability policy, or any insurance policy that has this endorsement on it, will pay first in the event of a claim. The Non-Contributory part means that not only will your policy pay first, but it will pay the full amount of the claim until the limits are exhausted without your client contributing to the loss with their own insurance. Not all General Liability policies have this coverage built in and it can be quite expensive to purchase if your policy was issued without it.

How does stating Primary and Non-Contributory effect your general liability insurance?

Primary and Non-Contributory Wording means your General Liability policy, or any insurance policy that has this endorsement on it, will pay first in the event of a claim. The Non-Contributory part means that not only will your policy pay first, but it will pay the full amount of the claim until the limits are exhausted without your client contributing to the loss with their own insurance. Not all General Liability policies have this coverage built in and it can be quite expensive to purchase if your policy was issued without it.

Does a cosigner for a contract on an apartment share in the liability and if so can one cover the cosigner's liability with tenants insurance?

Yes the co signer is responsible for the entire terms and requirement on the lease just like the primary renter is. NO renters insurance cover the contents of the apartment and in case you cause a flood to the unit below and items of that nature. There is no insurance for the co signer

What year was the personal umbrella policy developed?

The personal umbrella policy was developed in the 1960s to provide additional liability coverage beyond the limits of an individual's primary insurance policies, such as auto or homeowners insurance.

Do you have to get CAR insurance for my son if you have 3 cars?

You need to carry auto insurance with liability coverage on any car operating on the road. To add your son he will need to be the primary driver on one of the cars and secondary on the others. This would keep you covered if he wrecked his primary car, or any of your other cars.

What type of insurance has a sir deductible?

SIR stands for self insured retention. It is a deductible applied to some liability policies. The term deductible is used for insurance that covers property losses, such as the insurance that would replace your house if it burned down. Retention is a term that refers to liability insurance, insurance that pays on your behalf if your negligance caused someone else to suffer a loss. Certain liability policies,such as umbrella policies and professional liability policies require the insured to, under certain circumstances, pay for part of the loss. The self insured retention is paid by the insured before the insurance company pays for the remainder of the loss. On umbrella liability policies the self insured retention applies to losses that are not covered by underlying, primary liability policies. On professional liability policies, the self insured retention applies to all losses, and is a way for the insured to lower their premiums by retaining the risk of losses up to a certain amount.