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Squeaking belts are the result of improperly adjusted tensioners and pulleys. The belt slides over the pulley and squeaks. Using a lubricant would defeat the purpose. Also I'm not sure what affect wd-40 would have on the material the belts are made of. To get them to stop squeaking tighten them up. Make sure you use your manual and don't get them too tight.

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Q: Can wd-40 be used on squeaky auto belts?
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no it isn't. it is adetergent, and should never be used in a hamsters cage. if the wheel is squeaky, or the door is stiff, then use cooking oil. it doesn't harm the hamster if it likes it off

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i think the "swishing noise" you mean is casued by the belts turning on the puleys , you can check this by squirting a little wd40 on the belts as its running and the noise should go away for a short time .

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use a wd40 spray or a moly spray lub and spray on tracks this help you but stay away of the glass when spray over

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No. WD40 is to aggressive to use on the thin skin of a horse. Only use things meant specifically for horses.

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A versatile lubricant similar to WD40 that can be used for multiple applications is a silicone-based lubricant.

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WD 40 should not be used on a person.

Why does your AC compressor sluggish to start and your belt squeals until it gets going?

spray wd40 in the clutch where the bearings are, they are probably a little rusty. do that a couple of times until noise stops, be careful not to get any on the pulley and belts.

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WD50 and WD40 are both lubricants, but they have different compositions and purposes. WD50 is a heavier lubricant designed for industrial use, while WD40 is a lighter lubricant commonly used for household applications. WD50 is more effective for heavy-duty machinery and equipment, while WD40 is better suited for general maintenance and loosening rusted parts. Overall, the choice between WD50 and WD40 depends on the specific needs of the task at hand.