Some mild upgrades can actually lengthen the life. It's the major upgrades that can shorten the life.
When upgrading your General Motor tbi motor you are upgrading more than just one wire. To upgrade a motor it usually requires changing out the whole motor and not just one wire.
It is actually FXDL. Motor Vehicle Departments shorten it to FDL for some reason. A FXDL is a Dyna Low Rider. I bought a 1994 FXDL today.
No.plane is not a motor vehicle.
An airplane is a VEHICLE. It's power is provided by a MOTOR.
The definition of a motor vehicle motor vehicle. (Engineering / Automotive Engineering) a road vehicle driven by a motor or engine, esp an internal-combustion engine.
No, a bike is not considered a motor vehicle because it does not have a motor or engine to propel it.
Phelps Motor Vehicle ended in 1905.
Phelps Motor Vehicle was created in 1903.
Baker Motor Vehicle was created in 1899.
The fullform is light motor vehicle and hmv fullform is heavy motor vehicle