No, but I saw a web site with a company trying to change that. They make electric cars that are super thin, so two can fit in one lane! Check it out...
AnotherThis depends on which way you mean that: Side-By-SideCars are not meant to travel of fit side by side in one lane, hence the invention of lanes. I have noticed though, that if the two cars in question were either motorcycles of motorcycle-sized, then it would most definitly be possible, though the legality of the situation is rather questionable. One-In-Front-Of-The-OtherCars are designed to fit one in front of the other in one lane of traffic, hence the convenient car-widthed lanes. Therefore it is a plausible conclusion that the two cars would fit.Chat with our AI personalities
Cars parked on the side of the street. Are they all facing the same direction? If they are, it's probably one way.
A diamond lane on the freeway means it is a special lane on a highway or street that is reserved for a specific type of traffic (such as cars carrying more than one passenger). These lanes are also meant for the drivers who are not exiting any time soon.
A shared left lane is used to turn left by both directions of traffic. A regular left lane is only used by one direction flow of traffic
A phrase that is open to interpretation. In traffic accident investigation the 'inside lane' is usually the lane closest to the center line or median. But in common usage one must be careful to determine what the person asking the question means.
Vehicles making left turns or passing.
the vehicle on the interstate has the right of way. The vehicle that is trying to merge onto the highway must yield to the traffic that is already there. It obviously depends on where you are and the local instructions there. What if you are turning onto a road in the right lane and the traffic in the left lane comes into the right lane and hits you. Who is at fault?
One disadvantage is that cars and trucks use the motorcycle lane for passing other cars. A theoretical advantage would be that you would not need to compete with cages in a designated motorcycle lane.
One car can cause it.
The lane that goes straight through without changing is the main lane. If you merge into that lane, you have to yield to the flow of traffic. That means if your lane ends, it is you that should yeild.
The passing lane is on your left after you are sure no one is coming.
No, when riding a bicycle on a one-way street with two or more traffic lanes, you should ride in the rightmost lane that is going in the direction you are traveling.
United States:The bottom line is the safest lane to drive in is the one where you pay attention, leave a safe distance between you and the car ahead, give signals when you plan to change lanes, obey the left lane rules of the road.On a state or interstate highway with two or more lanes in both directions the left lane is reserved for passing. It is not a lane to use for cruising at the speed limit and making all the other cars slow down. Its not to be used simply to avoid being in the right lane where ramps go on an off. More and more states are issuing violations for drivers who use that left lane while NOT passing, as they irritate the drivers in the long line of traffic that builds up behind them.Most laws on United States highways reserve the left lane for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake. That means if you are not keeping up with the traffic in the left land and are not passing cars in the right lane then you must pull over into the right lane. These laws refer to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. So, if traffic flow is traveling at 60 mph in a 55 mph zone, the 55 mph driver is required to move to the right.Slower moving drivers who hog the left lane trigger aggression in drivers who wish to pass and keep up with the left lane traffic speed. Aggressive drivers cause dangerous situations for other drivers when they reach their melting point.If you are following a slower moving car in the right lane, put on your left turn signal, safely merge into the left land to pass the slower moving vehicle then signal right and safely merge back into the right lane once you have passed that vehicle.