Yes, the exception would be if the property is secured such as a locked gate. In most states the removal of a lock by whatever means is considered a "breach of peace" and is illegal. If however the repossession agent has a replevin or court order he or she may enter the property by whatever means necessary to retrieve the vehicle.
Yes! If your car is going to be impounded do not fight back whatsoever it won't help! Be careful!
yes they are allowed on your property hide it in the garage if you have one
Yes, a repo man is not a police officer. He does not have to abide by police guide lines.
Answer to Impersonating a repo manAnswer to "Can a person impersonate a repo man?" Not if you want to go to jail for grand theft-auto larceny or willing to be shot and\or killed.
Yes! A repo man stole into my locked backyard to install a GPS system when I did not pay on a TITLE LOAN. I noticed him following me over the next two weeks. The repo man stole back into my yard to remove the GPS after two weeks with no repo success. I settled with the CASH STORE for the original loan amount no interest.
No.Not if the gate is locked. They would have to get a warrent. * The repo man will not come with a warrant. The Sheriff might if the bank has sued and a court has issued a Writ of Replevin. They can come on your property and as long as they do no damage they can take the car.
The Production Budget for Repo Man was $1,500,000.
Repo Man was released on 03/02/1984.
If he already has it, there isn't much you can do about it.
repo is taking somthing away like the repo man in the new movie repo! the genetic opera theres an organ repo man who takes away peoples organs
Yes, repo man repossessing a car while you are sitting in it is considered a breach of peace. It is illegal for a repo man to use force or threaten violence to repossess a vehicle, especially when the car is in a private location like your backyard. You can report this incident to the authorities and seek legal advice to protect your rights.
Repo Man was released on 03/02/1984.
The Production Budget for Repo Man was $1,500,000.