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Q: Can the police make you open your garage for a repo?
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Can a repo man open a garage door?

Probably not. If the garage door was closed and locked, and he broke the lock or somehow got it open then it is breaking and entering. If the door was unlocked and he just opened it then it depends on the mood of courts or police.

Can a repo man come into your garage to repossess a car?

yes if it is open

If a repo-man is trying to repo your motorcycle but it is taken apart and in a locked garage can they try to break in?

legally they are not aloud to break and enter into a building to get anything now if your garage is open and the repo man comes by and sees that he will try to take the item needed repo-ed and that is ok It is legal in some states for a repo man to enter an open, unlocked garage. In others it is a crime, and conducting a repossession in a case like this would be prosecutable as Larceny from a Building.

Can a repo man enter a closed garage to repo your car?

Well at this point if a repo agent is there to recover a vehicle or property, You no longer own your car or property the BANK does. If a repo agent gets proper authorities "police" and have paperwork stating the bank owns it the authorities can impel you to open your garage because now you are in possession of stolen property fully owned by the bank. but they also must give you a option to pay it up to date.

Can a repo man come into your open garage in Washington state?

Yes. he cannot break & enter though.

Can a repo man call the police to get the car out of your garage?

No they can't at first, but you have to clear up this matter ASAP or eventually you will be court ordered!

Is it legal for a repo man to open your garage and threaten to block you on the street and tow with you and kids inside?

No. In order for a person to repo a vehicle, it has to be visible from the street, and it can't be occupied. This would be an invasion of privacy. NO WAY!!! First, he cannot go into your garage. He cannot block you in. He cannot tow the car with anyone inside. If this was done, call the police and an attorney. File charges and sue the idiot. You will win.

Can a repo take my car out of my garage?

No, repo persons can not enter your residence without permission and an attached garage is your property.

Can a police officer make a repo agent drop a car?

If the repo agent can demonstrate that he has lawful claim to take the car then the Police Officer cannot prevent him.

In CT do you have to lock the garage door or is the car off limits to the repo man simply by being in the garage?

Cant go in a locked door in ANY state legally. They will just get the police to come open the door with a court order. Make your payments and if you can't, talk to the lender. They do not want to repo the car.AnswerThey will not come with a police order....if they could they wouldn't waste timepaying repo guys.Just because it is against the law don't think the repo guyswon't do it.If they do break in and get the car it doesn't matter how they got itit is now the banks.You can sue the bank for the break in but you still don'thave the car back.And by the way the banks do want to repo that's why they do it. AnswerActually they DO NOT want to repo your car. This is because normally you owe more on the car than they could get for it at auction. They will repo it if they feel that that they cannot recover money for it, or if they are a buy here/pay here place. Finally, they CANNOT enter a garage locked or otherwise. If they do, they are in violation. You should try to work with the company.

If you are home and in your garage can the repo man come inside your garage to try and repo a motorcycle even if you tell him no?

Not if you tell him no nicely.

Does a repo person have the right to open up your garage door and take out the motorcycle in the state of Michigan?

A repo man is not allowed to move a vehicle or open gate or anything to get what he wants. If the garage dor was open it would be a different story. depending on the state a repo man can open a garage door to get collateral as long as he does not committ another crim in the process! i know Ohio, Indiana, and Tennessee you can for sure.... Michigan i think it depends on how the loan was writen! In NJ, they cannot.If the car is in sight and where they can tow it, that is, without damage to the property. They cannot sneak around the property looking for the vehicle.