Yes, persons who have incurred property damage or injury have the legal option of filing a lawsuit to be compensated for their damages, pain and suffering, loss of wages, whatever might apply in the specific situation. Many states have placed "caps" on some types of lawsuits, meaning there is a maximum monetary amount that can be recovered, some states only allow what the amount of the defendant's insurance coverage. However, all such lawsare subject to interpretation and implementation by the presiding judge and in some cases a jury a well.
If the other party has insurance then their "property damage" coverage should cover damage to your vehicle. If you happen to be at fault or there is some question as to who is at fault then it might be hard to collect from their insurance company. Only if the other party is at fault. If you have collision insurance, you can file the claim with your own agent. Then you will be paid for your damages, less your deductible, and when your company collects from the other company you will also get your deductible. If you do not have collision, you will have to file your claim directly with the at-fault driver's insurance. If the company denies your claim (and unless there is very compelling evidence that their client was at fault, they will), you will have to sue the driver. Then, IF YOU WIN the lawsuit, their insurance will pay.
Yes the driver who is not at fault can very well file a suit but one thing is very clear he can not claim any insurance. Yes he can file a civil suit against the other driver. It is done approximately a million times every day. sometimes with no just cause.
In the state of Arizona, there is no specified time limit in which an insurance company has to settle a claim with an insured party or with a third party that has filed a claim. An individual does have a time limit of two years in which to file a lawsuit against the driver who was at fault in an accident.
Yes he did
You can file a lawsuit.
Yes, you can. However, ultimately it is the at fault party's insurance company that will pay for the claim. In such a case, you will file a claim under your collision coverage and be subjected to the deductible. Once the claim is settled, your company will subrogate the loss with the other company(i.e. get reimbursed). Once that happens, you will be provided your deductible back. If you go through the at fault party's policy, you would file the claim under the property damage of the policy.
how do i file an answer to a lawsuit ?
You should file an Auto Accident report with your local authorities, this is a standard procedure for any accident whether you are at fault or not. If you have sustained damages or injuries you should also file a loss notice or a claim with the other party's insurer to receive compensation for your loss.
no you should be able to file a lawsuit.
Yes, a minor can file a lawsuit with the help of a legal guardian or representative.
Can the student that was attacked file a lawsuit? Yes, they certainly can. Can anyone else file a lawsuit? Only if they were injured or can show damages.
get an attorney! and you have to have a good reson to file a lawsuit and have a good lawyer