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Q: Can the life estate deed be reversed to original owner?
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How can you get a deed for a house if the owners dead?

The owner's estate must be probated and you would need to get a deed from the court appointed estate representative.The owner's estate must be probated and you would need to get a deed from the court appointed estate representative.The owner's estate must be probated and you would need to get a deed from the court appointed estate representative.The owner's estate must be probated and you would need to get a deed from the court appointed estate representative.

What happens if a person has a quitclaim deed and the original owners did not give up ownership of the property?

A quitclaim deed is only effective if it was executed by the owner of the property. If the original owner executed a quitclaim deed then they do not own the land.If the quitclaim deed you refer to was not executed by the owner of the property then it is of no effect.A quitclaim deed is only effective if it was executed by the owner of the property. If the original owner executed a quitclaim deed then they do not own the land.If the quitclaim deed you refer to was not executed by the owner of the property then it is of no effect.A quitclaim deed is only effective if it was executed by the owner of the property. If the original owner executed a quitclaim deed then they do not own the land.If the quitclaim deed you refer to was not executed by the owner of the property then it is of no effect.A quitclaim deed is only effective if it was executed by the owner of the property. If the original owner executed a quitclaim deed then they do not own the land.If the quitclaim deed you refer to was not executed by the owner of the property then it is of no effect.

How can a life estate be released?

A life estate is created by a deed executed by the owner of the property or by their Will.A life estate is created by a deed executed by the owner of the property or by their Will.A life estate is created by a deed executed by the owner of the property or by their Will.A life estate is created by a deed executed by the owner of the property or by their Will.

Can life estate be reversed when sold house to daughter the attorney gave mother-in-law a life estate written on the new deed without having the agreement to the life estate signed by mother-in-law?

Your question is extremely hard to follow. Generally a life estate cannot be "reversed". The attorney isn't the one who grants a life estate. The owner of the property grants it in the deed. If the mother-in-law owned the property and conveyed it reserving a life estate for herself it can't be reversed. Generally, the recipient of a life estate doesn't sign the deed "in agreement". For example, Sally can grant her property to Sheila for life and the fee to Tom and Jerry upon Sheila's death. Sheila wouldn't be required to sign that deed. A life estate isn't considered an agreement. You should discuss the life estate with an attorney to determine the rights and obligation of both parties.

Can a warranty deed be transferred back to original owner?

I'm not an attorney. A warranty deed can go back to the original owner. Why not? The original owner can acquire the property again; there is no law against that. The deed might still be a warranty deed, but if the deed has become clouded in some way while under other ownership, the original owner might possibly not receive a warranty deed when he gets the property back.

How do you get conveyance deed without landowner signature?

In order to transfer the ownership of real estate the owner must sign a deed. If the owner has died then the court appointed fiduciary can execute a deed if they have the right to sell real estate in the will or get a license to sell real estate from the court. After the estate has been settled the heirs can execute a deed.

How do you get the deed to a house if the owner has died and the mortgage is paid?

The deed belongs to the estate and the estate can transfer the property in accordance with the will or the laws of intestacy.

Would acquiring the original deed be better than a quit claim deed?

No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.

What is the priority between a deed of gift and a devise in a will?

If the owner conveyed the property by a deed while living the property is gone from their estate at the time of their death and cannot pass by their will. The deed would take precedence.If the owner conveyed the property by a deed while living the property is gone from their estate at the time of their death and cannot pass by their will. The deed would take precedence.If the owner conveyed the property by a deed while living the property is gone from their estate at the time of their death and cannot pass by their will. The deed would take precedence.If the owner conveyed the property by a deed while living the property is gone from their estate at the time of their death and cannot pass by their will. The deed would take precedence.

Can a new deed be issued on a life estate because the life tenant is no longer able bodied to live in the house anymore?

No. Deeds are not "issued". Once a life estate is granted by deed the grantee is the only person who can release it unless there was language in the original grant that limited it. You need to get a deed from the owner of the life estate in order to clear the title to the property. Otherwise, the life estate will not be extinguished until their death.

Is there life rights on real estate?

There may be a life estate if the owner granted one to someone by deed or by their will.

Does title to real estate pass when a valid deed is signed and recorded?

Title to real property passes upon the death of the owner. However, the estate must be probated in order for legal title to pass to the heirs whether the decedent left a will or not. Title to real estate is also transferred when the owner executes a deed and delivers the deed to the new owner. The deed must be recorded in the land records.