Not unless their name is also on the title.
If you're not on the title then you only agreed to pay the loan if the person buying it doesn't. This doesn't give you any right to the car.
However, you can sue the primary borrower in civil court if they defaulted on the loan and you made the payments. The judge may order the primary to sign the title over to you.
No, a cosigner has no legal rights to a vehicle unless his or her name appears on the vehicle title.
The usual legal recourse for the cosigner when the person named as the primary on a loan has defaulted, is to make the payments on the loan. Then, the cosigner can take the person who defaulted to court to try and recoup some of the money they are out. If the loan was for a car, some states allow the cosigner to take possession of the car and sell it to recoup losses also.
Whomever is named on the TITLE has equal rights to the possession of the car.
Only if they are a joint title holder of the vehicle.
Don, IF your name is on the title as co-owner, you would just be taking possession of your own car. If its NOT on the title, you cant take possession legally.Why not go to the person in possession and tell them to give up the car??
When you cosign for anyone you are taking 100% responsibility for the payments on that car. If the person that gets the car doesn't keep their payments up it will be repossessed by the bank with an option for the cosigner to take over payments or sell the car and pay back the loan. Marcy
Only if the cosigner is also named on the vehicle title.
The person named on the title is the owner and can take possession. If you have to pick up the car from another party, have a sheriff deputy on hand when doing so, just for your protection.
Unless your name is on the vehicle or you reside in the apartment in which you co-signed, you have no rights in the state of California. If your name is on the car or home, then you can take possession and pay the note.
Possibly. Contact an attorney for a definite answer.
Nobody is responsible for the loan if there was on cosigner. If the car was inherited by someone, then that person has a right to pay the debt owed and take possession of the title.