You need to ask an attorney. In general, for a secured loan (title of the car is the security) if the loan is not paid, the leinholder (the bank) takes back the property they have not been paid for.
As long as the bank is listed as the lienholder on the title and as long as you owe them money and haven't paid they can repossess the car.
Yes they can repossess everything that you got a loan for.
If you aren't paying in full they can repossess the car. To a bank " some sort of a payment " doesn't count. Call them and make arrangements.
When the owner defaults on the loan payments
it is up to the bank to decide. Legally, as little as 1 cent.
I have NO IDEA, WHY look here if there is NO ANSERS
If the bank holds the loan, then yes. If the payments are stopped, the bank will repossess anyways.
Yes, the bank has the right to repossess the vehicle if you are in arrears on payments.
The bank's repossession of their house left the family with no place to live.
A bank can repossess a car at any time the loan has defaulted. Many times a bank will wait until a payment is 2 to 3 months behind before repossession.
YES, IF YOU CLAIM NOT TO KNOW WHERE IT IS. If you call the bank and say I dont know where the car is its gone, they are going to tell you to report it stolen. If you stop making payments on it then they will repossess, if there is no car to repossess then you are still responsible to pay the monthly payment car or no car If you stop paying and there is no car to repossess then they at that point can take legal action against you. I dont know if its reported stolen but take my word for it you will pay somehow.