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The short answer is "Yes". The bank repossed your car---indoing so they incurred costs...the tow truck, gas, lot fees, filing paperwork at county,etc... All the fees are added to the outstanding balance--the car is then put up for auction after a certain lenght of time if it's not redeemed by the owner. In the mean time, interest is incurring on a balance that is rising instead of lowering with each payment. If all goes right, someone buys the car at the auction but usually for alot less than the outstanding balance. This means you still owe money and the bank is going to collect. More than likely, you are trying to ignore the letter but don' will be a bigger mess if you let it go. Everyone at work will know about your problem because there is always someone who can't keep quiet about it. Make arrangments with the bank to either get the car back or to make payments on the deficit balance without having the wage go thru. Good Luck

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Q: Can the bank garnish your wages for back payment after taking the car?
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What reasons are there to garnish wages in NJ?

There are a few reasons why wages can be garnished in the state of New Jersey. Reasons include back child support, back alimony, or back taxes.

Can a creditor garnish your wages for a vehicle that they have repossessed?

Yes. There's a process they have to follow, which includes getting a court judgment against you. If you don't hold to that judgment (which is usually paying back the money owed), they can ask the court to garnish your wages.

Can one state garnish your wages for back taxes in another state?

If the state where you owe back taxes gets a judgment against you, your wages can be garnished. This can happen no matter what state you live in.

Can an employer garnish wages for a debt owed to the employer?

No. Wages can only be garnished in very few situations and by the government-like for back child support. He would have to have a court order to garnish your wages for anything. else. The article below explains the instances in which wage garnishment is allowed more specifically.

Garnish wages for back child support in Texas?

contact the childrens aid and the local court system to help you with this

How much can irs garnish from paycheck?

The IRS can garnish your wages if you owe the government back taxes or defaulted on your student loans. They can take as much as it takes to pay off the debt.

Can your wages be garnished for a repoed vehicle in portland OR?

they should not be able to garnish wages for a vehicle the leinholder has taken back into their possession for payments not being made. They have the vehicle back, so its not right for them to take your money.

Can the IRS seize death benefits owed to the beneficiary who owes back taxes?

Sure. Death benefits do not enjoy any preference when the beneficiary owes back taxes. They can also garnish your wages and/or Social Security Benefits. You best bet is to set up a payment plan with then and get the back taxes paid.

I am a Kidney transplant recipient with on Medical Insurance and have a doctor trying to garnish my wages for back surgery and I can not pay, I have on going meds and other expences that can not be ignored, I really need help. ?

Unless you file with Social Security for disability for you ailments, you will unfortunately will be on the hook with the doctor who is trying to garnish your wages. Unless you are not working, you will be garnished. I know as it happened to my dad and the advice he was given was to seek SSD or else you will have to pay. Maybe you can work out a payment arrangement with this doctor to get him off your wages, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Can an online payday loan company garnish your wages in the state of South Carolina?

If you signed a contract in which you agreed to have your wages garnished should you not pay back the loan, then yes. There's more information at

Can a second mortgage lender garnish wages in SC for a foreclosure where the first lien took back the collateral?

If they were not part of the foreclosure deal, meaning that they didn't sign off on the short sale, then the loan is still outstanding. I suppose you didn't make the requested payments, so they are following up by garnishing your wages for payment. Check in with a real estate attorney, but you probably have a choice between paying up or having your wages garnished.

Can you garnish the person's wages for whom you co-signed a loan?

If you have paid the loan, you can file a civil lawsuit to try to get your money back and quite possibly garnish their wages. Depending on the amount you may be able to file in small claims court. You can visit the court to inquire about the small claims court limits in your state. You will need proof that you paid the loan.