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Yes, but why. Perhaps you are in the process of changing companies and so you went to the new company when purchasing a new car and plan to move the other one when the policy expires in a month or so? You will not get the multi-car discount which can be substantial. Why would you want to do this? I need more information before answering more than I already have.

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Q: Can someone get another insurance company for a different car while there original car is with a different insurance company?
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If you join a different martial arts club while training at another is the original club informed by the insurance company?

Why would the insurance company care? They don't, each club has its own insurance and it is paid for through your dues.

Does your proof of insurance that you carry in your car have to be the original or can it be a copy of the original?

Your insurance company will give you a insurance card with all of the information needed for proof of insurance. Show that to whoever is interested.

I lost your inusrance qoute can you get a new one?

If you have lost insurance coverage by one company, you can likely replace it with a similar product from another company or by seeking competitive quotes from an insurance broker. Also, most states offer bare-bones automobile insurance for those who are unable to obtain it from traditional insurance companies. If you have obtained a quote from an insurance company and misplaced it, you can likely call the broker and ask for another copy or return to the website where you received the original quote.

What makes Bell Insurance different than most insurance companies?

Bell Insurance is a small, independent insurance company serving Southern Pennsylvania. It is different from many insurance companies in that it is not affiliated with a national insurance company.

Why would one choose Swinton Insurance Company over another company?

A consumer may choose Swinton Insurance Company over another company based on more inexpensive rates that are quoted and also the extent of insurance coverages offered.

Is insurance a waste of money?

this depends. if you say have an accident with your car and it is your fault you will have to repair your car and repair another car that you may of hit. however it you buy insurance from an insurance company then the company pays for it.but there are many different types of insurance so i would recommend a company like ISelect which asks you a phew question about the insurance you want and they choose the best insurance deal for you.

Can you have two different drivers with different insurance companies on the same car?

Depends on where you are, what company you're going with, and the terms of your plan. Ask your insurance company this.

If Im not the original owner of vehicle how do I get insured on the vehicle?

You do not have to be the original owner to be on the insurance. You just need to call the insurance carriers company and ask that you be added as a driver on that vehicle.

What are some of the larger insurance companies in the UK?

One of the larger insurance companies in the UK is the insurance company Legal & General. Another of the larger insurance companies is the company Aviva.

Can you get umbrella insurance with a different company than your personal auto insurance?


Which companies offer insurance for a church?

Some companies that offer insurance for a church include CPG Insurance Company and Amis Insurance. Another insurance company you may be interested in is Brotherhood Mutual.

Can Motor vehicle release your auto insurance information to another insurance company?
