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sitting in a running car with windows closed is any fumes released inside of car.

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Q: Can sitting inside a running car with windows closed harm you?
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Why does a car cools down faster when its windows are open?

The open windows help to expel the hot air trapped inside when they are closed.

Why don't you get a sun burn when you are sitting inside by a closed window and it's sunny outside?

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Technically speaking, Windows XP does not run at all on the PS3. The videos you may have seen were of people running Windows XP inside QEMU, an emulator, on Linux. Running XP in an emulator is very slow, and not at all usable for games.

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Why do peoplewho have been in a closed room for long feel drowsy and the windows steam up?

They feel drowsy for lack of oxygen The windows steam up from the condensation of their breath. Their body-heat warms the room up and the windows are colder on the outside than on the inside.

Why is the inside of a car hotter than the outdoor temp on a summer day?

Like a greenhouse, a car with closed doors and windows is a closed space. Heat trapped inside a closed car cannot get out fast. Although the sunlight heats up both inside and outside of a car at about the same rate, the heat getting inside the car is trapped in a closed space. It cannot get away as fast as the heat outside, where it's an open space and heat can lose freely. Therefore, the heat inside accumulates much faster than the heat does outside, which is why the inside of a car is hotter than the outdoor temp on a summer day.

How is the gherkin environmental?

it has lots of windows which makes is good for natural light to enter instead of light bulbs... Open and closed windows instead of using air condistioner. thewindows are double glazed keeps heat inside of the building

When a car has been sitting in the sun and is hot inside will it help to open the windows to let the hot air out?

Yes you can let tje hot air out by rolling down the windows. As long as the car stays in the sun it will however remain quite hot.

Is it better to open or close your windows during a heatwave?

Windows are best left closed in a tornado. If you are not hit hard, the windows can prevent interior damage. If you are hit hard by a strong enough tornado some windows will break anyway. But if a tornado is coming it is best not to waste time opening or closing windows. Take cover immediately.

How is the Gherkin environmentally friendly?

it has lots of windows which makes is good for natural light to enter instead of light bulbs... Open and closed windows instead of using air condistioner. thewindows are double glazed keeps heat inside of the building

What is demist in driving?

It is the clearing of condensation on the inside of car windows