Yes, with limitations. Repossessions usually take place on private property.
Yes. The objective of a repo man is to reposess property of people who have defaulted on their loans. A repo man will never ask for permission.
Yes they can
Car repo is covered by its own law. So No
yes, but they cant break & enter to do so.
Not unless he has a legal warrant signed by the court
No. If they do, they are trespassing and you can have them arrested.
No. They cannot break & enter to repo the car. But, if they do, its up to you to PROVE they did it.
Yes he or she can enter private propery as long as the Do not Breach The Peace in Texas. DE Repoman Houston TX
Yes, if they are accompanied by a Sheriff and have the proper documentation stating that the lienholder would like the vehicle recovered.
Only a prosecuter can prosectute. It is legal to repo a car from anywhere as long as they dont "breach the peace" to get to it. That is, they cant break & enter or physically move you out of the way.
In MOST states, the answer is YES. A few states require a liscense.
NO THIS IS ILLEGAL! They cannot go inside your house, garage, or locked private property