While it may be legal in some places, in general, the answer is no, it is illegal to ride in an RV that is being towed.
Passengers fly on a plane.
Take the number of passengers the jet ski can hold, subtract the number of people towed, and that's how many people can ride. One of them must be the driver. One of them must be the observer, to alert the driver if the person towed is in distress so the driver can concentrate on driving. This means you need a 3-person jet ski to tow one person.
Passengers ride trains.
No, no one can ride in any sort of trailer while it is being towed.
85 to 215 passengers - depending on the model !
The original Wright Flyer held no passengers, only the pilot.
None, they are for driver only.
A 747-400 with 3 classes of service holds about 416 passengers. With 2 classes of service it can hold 524 passengers.
Not while they are being driven.
Buying RVs - 2013 Million Dollar RVs 1-4 was released on: USA: 3 August 2013