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No. You, (The new owner) was not a party to the contract between the previous homeowner and the trade contractor. The contractor has no obligation to a subsequent owner with whom he did not contract or make warranty.

It's no different than when you buy a used car. You would have no recourse for work you might consider substandard against a mechanic that did repairs for the previous owner because you did not own the property at that time and were not a party to the repair agreement.

Hopefully you purchased a home warranty through your realtor when you purchased the home they are very inexpensive. Your recourse would be to file a claim on the home warranty offered to you when you made your home purchase.

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Q: Can new Homeowner file a claim against General Contractor Liability Insurance for work done for previous home ownwer that caused property damaged recently discovered by new owner of the house?
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Homeowners insurance does not have liability coverage for your job occupation. You can obtain contractors insurance for liability coverage.

Does homeowner insurance cover a contractors mistake?

The contractor should be bonded and carry liability insurance and you need to require proof of this before they start. Homeowners insurance is not meant to guarantee work on homes.

Does the owner or contractor purchase professional liability insurance?

Traditionally the contractor provides the Insurance. The owner verifies that the contractor has insurance prior to hiring that contractor.

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No, there is a business exclusion under the liability section. You personal homeowners insurance will not cover your Commercial activities. You will need a Commercial General Liability policy to cover your business operations.

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A contractor Buys Commercial Liability Insurance in the contractor class, not professional liability insurance. The amount needed is typically determined by the exposures presented or as specified by the employer.

How can i get a copy of a contractor's liability insurance policy?

Ask the contractor for a copy.

Does a homeowner need liability insurance if their having remodeling done?

Your homeowners insurance does not provide coverage for hired workers. It is advisable that you ensure your contractor's doing the remodeling job for you have liability insurance in the event they damage your property or someone else's and appropriate medical coverage or workman's compensation for their workers.

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An insured contractor is a contractor who carries a Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy.

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What is homeowners liability insurance for?

The liability portion of your home insurance policy provides protection in the event someone asserts a claim of liability against the homeowner for damages or injuries.

Can general insurance be backdated?

can a contractor have liability insurance backdated to show the company was insured

Why does a contractor need a professional liability insurance policy?

A contractor typically needs a Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy. If the contract includes professional services, then the contractor will likely be required to carry Professional Liability Insurance, either in addition to, or in place of a CGL policy. It really just depends on the nature of the services contracted.