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From my personal experience I have seen mustard destroy car paint once it dried.

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Q: Can mustard destroy car paint
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Does wax can destroy your car's paint?

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Does mustard ruin car paint?

Yea, it happened to my 2009 Mustang GT

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Not sure, will get back to you..

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Of course , Acids are very corrosive which can destroy almost everything.

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yes it can. It will turn the paint a different color or take it off. So don't do it.

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It could depending how dry the paint is. If it is weeks dry, it shouldnt b a problm. But if its fresh, it will destroy the paint and the ice cream. Lol c wat i did there?

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by not taking care of it......and acid rain is one of the agents to destroy car paints. thank you...........

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In a diner, lighthouse is catsup and yellow paint is mustard.

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If you are doing it on purpose, it is a great way to totally destroy your brain. If you are not doing it on purpose, ventilate the area.

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Absolutly not. If it's a water based paint just use water. Thinners will destroy the clear coat and expose the paint to other forms of damage

What color makes the color mustard?

Mustard is a hard color to match with but i found a couple of choices:lime greenredaubergineemerald greenwhitepeach pinkHope this works out for you!!

In what kind of place can you find a lighthouse next to yellow paint?

On a bottle of ketchup or mustard.