Depends on local ordnance where you're at, especially if you're subject to a HOA.
yes it can park anywhere.
Yes. A flat bed tow truck should be able to tow it even if you can't take it out of gear/park.
claim it on your insurance, they will go after the tow trucks insurace company
Tow truck.
You call a tow truck and they will lift the front wheels
If the administrators of the school give permission.
There is a lever that will put it in neutral.
Tow truck insurance company... Contact Tow truck insurance 1TOWTRUCKINSURANCE.COM,We are specialized in providing tow truck insurance to tow truck owners/operators.Call us at 18005133135 for CA California tow truck insurance, Tow Trucks Insurance Nevada NV, Insurance Tow Truck Arizona AZ, Towing Truck Insurance Quotes and more...
form_title= Tow Truck for Sale form_header= Find a tow truck in your area. Have you ever operated a tow truck before?*= () Yes () No What size tow truck do you need?*= _ [50] What is your price range?*= _ [50] Do you want a new or used tow truck?*= () New () Used
a tow truck is slow
How much a tow truck can tow depends on the kind of tow truck or tow truck chassis is used. A few examples of types of tow trucks are boom, hook and chain, wheel lift, flatbed, and integrated.
Ask them to move, and if they don't then call a tow truck.