It depends. If you are going to be driving a car in most states, the state requires you to have insurance. Your friend's insurance could cover you but if you hurt somebody in an accident they will come after both you and your friend, so its important to have your own coverage.
You don't want to lose all your money and all your possessions to a person you hurt just because you don't have insurance.
If you don't own a car (like if your employer provides you a leased car and its the only car you drive), you can still buy insurance called a 'non-owners' policy. This would be good if you are going to be driving your friend's car a lot.
Please think about it. It is car insurance. So you wont.While the previous answer is correct, if you want to be able to drive another persons car, either YOU need insurance, or the owner of the car must have it insured for all drivers. I only say this because growing up I knew people without cars who would drive a friends car, and they had car insurance only so they could drive their friends car.
yes, I am sure you can. But you must get the friends permission to drive. Actually, I am not sure. Try yahoo answers.
If you live in the US, it is illegal to drive without automobile insurance. It is advised NOT to drive without insurance. make them tow it or they can put their dealer plate on and let them drive it
If the car you are driving is insured then you are not driving without insurance.
It is illegal to drive without financial responsibility.
no just your friend dose
Only people with a license and car insurance are legal to drive a car, though many people without a license and/or insurance drive cars daily.
until you get caught!
Yes, but you can not drive it.
You can drive without Car insurance in New Hampshire. I live here. If you are hit by an uninsured driver and you have insurance then your insurance pays for your medical and car repairs. Its another way poor and non working people screw over those who go out and work everyday and pay for their way in the world. If you drive, you should have to have insurance. Its dumb.