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No, you can't. When you collect from your insurance company, they will pursue the other driver's insurance because the accident wasn't your fault. When your insurance company finds out that you collected from the other insurance company already, they will come after you. It's called double-dipping and it most likely wouldn't end well.

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Q: Can i collect on both sides my insurance and the faulted drivers insurance i have a lien holder on my car a?
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Yes you can collect your maturity amount from insurance company. Infact insurance company send you an information in advance to policy holder regarding the maturity of the policy. The policy holder required to fill the form along with documents attached as per requirements. If the paper work is done properly and verified then the payment is either sent by post or directly credited in your bank account.

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YES - if the loan account holder had pledged the insurance policy as a collateral/security for his loan. NO - if the insurance policy wasn't pledged as collateral. But, it is the obligation of the family members/legal heir of the deceased to complete the loan formalities and pay back all dues to the bank in case of the unfortunate demise of a loan account holder.

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