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yes and hover crafts mainly travel on water anyway

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Q: Can hover crafts hover above water?
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What are hover crafts used for?

Hover crafts are usually used in maritime rescue during the mud season.

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How does hover craft works?

A hover craft works by vibration. The bottom of the hover craft vibrates to make it move along the ground. Some hover crafts even have a bottom that spins.

Why do hovercrafts need fans to move?

why do hover crafts need a fan to make them move

Can kingfishers swim?

No, when hunting for fish, they hover above the pond, then swoop in to pick them up out of the water

How do fish hover?

How can they hover? Their in WATER. But if your talking about them in the water they move their fins in circles to stay in one spot.

Why do birds hover they are hunting prey?

Birds like kingfishers hover high above the water before diving in to catch the fish because they are getting ready to dive. They are watching the fish and making sure it knows where it is in the river.

Is arts and crafts above average or below average?

Above average

How does a hover craft work?

A hovercraft works by directing a powerful downward stream of air through a hull skirt, creating a cushion of air underneath the craft. This cushion reduces friction with the surface below, allowing the hovercraft to glide smoothly over various terrains such as land, water, or ice. Steering and propulsion are achieved by altering the direction of the airflow.

Do kingfishers fish in the sea?

No, when hunting for fish, they hover above the pond, then swoop in to pick them up out of the water

Do oil and water mix together when combined or does one hover above the other?

Water and most oils have different specific gravities, oil being generally lighter than water, so oil usually floats on water.

When was the hover car invented?

The first hover car was reportedly invented in 1956 by Christopher Cockerell. Hover cars are also known as hovercraft and are capable of hovering above the ground up to ten feet.