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Generally speaking stenosis is a degenerative condition, not one that is caused by physical means.

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Q: Can cervical stenosis be caused by a car accident?
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The friend who took the car and got into the accident, if the accident is caused by the car's un-roadworthiness.

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The reason for Richie Don Shelton's car accident does not appear to be public information.

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Yes, this is considered an accident. The driver of the car will be held responsible for the damages they caused.

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If you caused the crash, you can't sue anybody and win. You will obviously lose- you caused the accident. If you were hit by the car and were doing everything right, then sue the person who hit you.

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Clarisse died in a car accident. It was not intentionally caused by anyone.

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what exactly are you asking. what is the question

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Not quite sure what you are asking but it's hard to put a monetary amount on an injury.

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Slip and fall, car/truck accident or collision not caused by enemy action, firearms accident, burns.