No, they don't have lungs. They are not living.
Although automobiles don't breath in the way of living things, they do require oxygen/air intake to burn fuel and generate energy and car engines have carbon waste exhausts analogous to human respiration.
An attempt to help keep the air we breath reasonably clean.
why do cars and trucks have emission control systems. To help keep the air we breath clean now and for future generations.
we humans need to breath so dose cars their air filter is our lungs.
Animals, cars , business
Animals, cars , business
recycle plant thing witch helps us breath and use bike more than cars
they polute air it afects what people breath and the earth goes from east to west so it effects the way you drive
well first off, people driving cars can be careless and run over animals causing serious injury and/or death. Also car emissions can be toxic to the animals that breath them in causing sickness and killing off that part of the population.
breath in breath out breath in breath out
your breath 🤣😂
they breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxeygen for us to breath or if not we couldn't breath