Go here............... http://www.ukmoneypot.co.uk/car-insurance-cancellation-fees-how-they-can-get-you.htm
Many companies will only charge you for the exact number of days that an auto policy is active. Others will charge you a cancellation fee.
You will probably have to sign a cancellation request in order to cancel your policy in the middle of a term. I suggest that you call the 800 number if you don't have an agent.
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They do not want to handle cancelaton....ㅡ.ㅡ
By calling your insurance agent
Some companies may charge you for early cancellation, it's best to just stop making the payments and secure coverage for when it runs out.
Some companies will charge you a 10% fee for early cancellation, I would check with them for clarification.
I searched for an auto insurance agent ohio in Google and other directories like Every Insurance agent. Find somebody in ohio that knows what the steps are.
Call your agent or your insurance company.
The toll free telephone number for Allstate Insurance is 888-338-4358.
Yes, you could get direct auto insurance from any licensed insurance agent. You might want to call various insurance agents to get the best rate, however.