Small engine surging could be caused by issues such as a dirty carburetor, clogged fuel filter, or improper air/fuel mixture. To resolve this, you can try cleaning the carburetor, replacing the fuel filter, and adjusting the air/fuel mixture. If the problem persists, it may be best to consult a professional mechanic for further diagnosis and repair.
The cause for this can be one of several things. You may have an issue with the fuel pump. You may also have a clogged fuel line, or filter, or the oxygen/fuel mixture is off. A tune up will pinpoint the issue.
It is important to know the causes of problems in a vehicle. A surging idle can be cause by a bad o2 sensor, bad fuel pump, or a computer starting to go bad.
Engine surging is usually due to insufficient fuel supply. Probable causes could be an air leak in the fuel system, or possibly a dirty fuel filter, causing fuel restriction.
simply put you can't if it is idleing not normal their is a problem surging/hunting idle=fuel pump/filter high idle =vacuum leak or sometimes fuel pump
You need to check the fuel pressure and the fuel FILTER.Most common cause of that is the float level in the carburetor is not adjusted right. / not getting enough fuel.
A vacuum leak can cause a lean burn.
The fuel pump surging at first could be caused by the fuel pressure bleeding off and the pump has to build the pressure up.
The description of "missing" could be a sign of fuel starvation (clogged fuel filter - failing fuel pump - clogged injector nozzles) or - a possible problem with the ignition system - bad plugs - dirty distributor- bad spark plug wires. The description of "surging" would lead one to believe that it is probably a fuel related problem.
Surging is usually due to a dirty fuel filter. Cutting out is also related to a dirty fuel filter or a fouled spark plug. Remove and clean or replace both components. Surging is NEVER a spark plug. The reason it's surging is because your main jet in the emulsion tube is clogged.
A 1994 Cadillac Deville that has an engine surging problem and is stalling out can indicate it is not getting enough fuel. The fuel filter may be clogged.