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Yes. If they are writing the vehicle off as "totalled", yes. If it's home damage and, for example, they're saying that the roof has been used for a certain number of years and that it's half "used up", they only have to pay for the amount of the roof life that was lost. That's depreciation.

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Where do you send a claim for workman's comp insurance?

Check with your employer or HR department.

Who do you call if a workman's comp claim is not being paid?

First off I do not understand why no one that has a workers comp claim doesn't not go get a comp lawyer. workers comp pays for the comp lawyer. I would call the insurance company and ask why. then go get comp lawyer.

What is C8 in workers comp?

It is a case registered by an insurance company with the WC board when they dis agree with the claim submitted

How does workers comp insurance pay those who are out of work?

Not having health insurance will not effect the Worker's Comp claim as long as the claim is directly related to an on the job injury. Worker's Comp is designed to help pay the medical bills directly related to an on the job injury. Health insurance generally does not pay for anything related to an on the job injury, because of Worker's Comp.

Does Workmans Comp insurance have to be paid on tips?

They only have to pay Workman's Comp on reported tips. If you did not report or claim your tips, then there is no proof of them and Workman's Comp doesn't have to pay anything.

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Workers comp insurance has nothing to do with family members. Workers comp insurance is an insurance policy that your employer will have on if in case you get hurt at work.

Will comprehensive auto insurance cover a claim if a tow truck damages your car in transit?

I would say that the tow truck is liable for this claim. This is also what your insurance company will say even if they go ahead and pay the claim to keep you happy. Most of the time your company will pay then they will subrogate against the responsible party. If you have comp and collision then their is no issue. If you have comp and not collision then issue of what happened may come into play.

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There are different types of a structured settlement that a purchaser can buy. One would be an insurance claim, another would be a workman's comp. claim.

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typically how long does it take to resolve a work comp claim?

What happens if you have a workmens comp claim and the company files Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Your claim is most likely covered by a WC insurance, either a prvate policy the employer had or one with the State. As such, your claim should be unaffected by the Bankruptcy.

What if your workmen's comp claim is denied?

If you claim is denied, you can try and appeal it. You will only be given workmen's comp is the injury happened on the job.

Are seizures on the job covered under workers comp?

Worker's Comp is for work related injuries. If the seizures are covered under your medical insurance plan, then you would file the claim with that plan. If the seizure caused an on the job injury, the Worker's Comp office would need to answer that question for you.