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Absolutely ! There's no reason at all why not. - But please consider one thing first - a surprisingly large number of otherwise 'normal' guys will object and be rude and disparaging to you about it ! An eon ago I was an avioncs tech in the Air Force when we got our first women aircraft mechanics. -I was totally bowled over by the number of rude idiots among us who objected - for no rational reason !

Unfortunately (and to my shame as a fellow Man) I STILL see this happening, especially in mechanical trades, fire service and police. - The national police force (RCMP) of my country has the most dismal record of anti-feminism and I have a long list of friends and acquaintances (ex-members)who have been insulted and hounded by their male members.

The knowledge is learnable, the job is a very good one - go for it and be strong !

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Q: Can a woman be a heavy duty mechanic?
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$170.000.00 Thousand Dollars

How much does a heavy duty mechanic make?

A journeyperson will make $25.00 - $30.00 per hour based on experience.

How much does it cost to be a heavy duty equipment mechanic?

i went to siast and it rolled out at around 11 500 hope this helps

How much does a auto heavy duty mechanic make first year aprentist?

A heavy duty mechanic can make over $1500-$2000 a week if qulified but for a apprentice you can make about $500-$1000 a week, so they will probs put you on 2 weeks work and 1 week brake that means you will proberly make $2000. It all depends on how long you work :)

How much does a heavy duty mechanic make a year?

They make arpund $100,000 a year due to their extremely long hours and agonizing work layout.

Austin Heavy Duty Towing?

Austin Heavy Duty Towing

Is your truck light duty or heavy duty?

The one I own is light duty. The one I drive for work is heavy duty.

What sewing machine has the most heavy duty needles?

Janome 11558 Heavy-duty Sewing Machine has some heavy duty needles.

Where can I find some heavy duty truck parts?

I would ask my mechanic. Mechanics and professionals have more knowledge on these matters and often they have access to parts that normal people don't.