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This can depend on how the owners policy is written and the state laws. Some policies will not cover anyone that is borrowing a car even with permission.

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Q: Can a uninsured driver borrow someone's car which is insured and be covered on that policy if you also get the owners permission?
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Is an insured driver covered in an uninsured vehicle?

No direct answer, as this all depends of the level of cover of the insured driver.

Uninsured licensed driver uses my insured car. has an accident are they covered?

It is important to understand the insurance policy that is purchased on a drivers car. The only way that an uninsured driver is covered in an insured car is id the owner of the car has that in their policy.

If an uninsured driver of an insured driver's car has an accident caused by another driver what will happen to the uninsured drivers license?

If the uninsured driver had the permission of the insured driver to operate the vehicle then NOTHING will happen to the uninsured driver. In fact, in this case he or she is not an uninsured driver at all. The insurance follows the vehicle first, the driver second.

Is an uninsured driver that is driving an insured car covered if he gets in an accident?

Yes, he should be. Most insurance companies insure the CAR and ask how many and ages of the drivers in the household to determine a rate. If you didn't steal the car, and had permission of the owner you should be insured.

What is covered if an insured driver gets into an accident in an uninsured car?

This would require more information to answer.

Uninsured driver driving insured car is he covered?

If a person is driving a car and he/she is uninsured but the vehicle in which he is driving is registered and insured to another individual, the registered owner is liable for the damages to the other pwesond's vehicle.

Can you drive uninsured with a insured licensed driver in the passenger seat?

No, if the other person is driving the uninsured vehicle, then that person is still covered by their own policy. But, if you AND the vehicle are uninsured, then it doesn't matter who's in the passenger seat.

Am I considered an uninsured motorist If I am driving my son's car which is fully insured and driving with permission but I do not have insurance and at fault in an accident?

No. The car is insured and your son's policy will provide coverage up to its policy limits.

If an uninsured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will insurance cover the other vehicle's damage in Texas?

InsuranceSo long as That driver was not excluded from coverage, then Yes, that driver would be covered under a standard Texas Auto Policy.

Does insurance pays for a comprehensive insured car driven by an uninsured driver?

Comprehensive coverage does not apply to the driving of a car. It should be covered.

Is any licensed driver insured while driving your vehicle?

If you gave permission then it should be covered.

Uninsured child borrows parents car that is insured and child has a wreck does insurance company have to pay out?

As long as he had permission, then yes. If you are going to try to claim that he/she didn't have permission, that's a whole other story.