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yes some turbos come with out a waste gate (none waste gated turbo)

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Q: Can a turbo work without a waste gate?
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How does a turbo waste gate work?

A waste gate regulates the amount of exhaust gas that spins the internal turbine of a turbocharger based on a predetermined amount of pressure in the system to keep the turbo from continually building boost that is higher than the system can handle. When closed it allows the exhaust to pass over the turbine creating pressure on the cold side of the turbo. With the waste gate open it allows the gas to bypass the turbine stopping pressure buildup.

How do you fix a sticking waste gate for a turbo charger?

Depends on where the problem is. If the problem is the wastegate acutuator (gold or rusty cylinder attached to the turbo), replace it. If the problem is the wastegate flapper assembly (arm attached to turbine housing on the turbo), pentrating oil works wonders. If that does not work, you have to replace the turbine housing.

Will blow off valve work without turbo?

They got it to work on a bike...

Will a blow off valve work without a turbo?

Without it it's not needed. it's to vent excess boost.

Ecu from a 95 automatic eclipse fit a standard?

If the car is the same as in it came out of a non-turbo and your putting it in a non-turbo it will work but if it came out of a non-turbo and your putting it in a turbo then it won't work. If it came out of a turbo and your putting it in a non-turbo it won't work. If it came out of a turbo and your putting in a turbo then it will work.

On a 1985 Subaru turbo car will a non turbo engine without turbo charger work?

yes it will but you will need to change the ECU - computer that runs the car / timing / fuel and air ratios. hope this helps :)

Is there any way you can fit a bov on a non turbo car?

you can fit a bov but will never hear it working. Without turbo you'll never reach pressure in intake to make it work. So installing it in non-turbo is worthless

What wouldn't the kidney work without the what?

The Kidneys would not work without a blood supply. Blood brings water and waste materials from the rest of the body.

What is the purpose of a gravity latch for a gate and how does it work to secure the gate effectively?

A gravity latch for a gate is designed to automatically close and secure the gate by using the force of gravity. When the gate is pushed closed, the latch mechanism is activated and the latch drops into place, preventing the gate from swinging open. This helps to keep the gate securely closed without the need for manual locking.

Can a gate fence be put into a fence that is all around and connects?

Yes the gate can be installed without removing the fence. But if the company that installed the fence forgot to add the gate I highly doubt I would want them to come back and do the work.

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