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Great question---If the hailstorm damage was not enough to cause a recission of purchase of the property- or law suit on the buyers part-- It would be quite difficult to gain from claims for a property that has already been sold "As Is"

IN MY OPINION-- this is a case where the new homeowner would have had to get involved by initiating a law suit to recind on the purchase decission since most likely the 72 hour waiting recission period had already expired-- and if the home was damaged it would be the new homeowners claim anyway since the purchaser must as the purchaser place immediate insurance on the property to be purchased. Isn't this in many cases done through Escrow? If so then the current homowner would be able to claim for the damages and not the previous owner. This is only my opinion I am not claiming expertise in this area.

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Q: Can a previous owner file a homeowner's policy claim to cover hailstorm damage to a roof that occured three weeks prior to the closing of the house sale?
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