

Best Answer

Answer 1: yes, my sister is borrowing my car and she her own insurance on it.

Answer 2: You can always get insurance as an additional driver on another person's car insurance policy. Isn't that how children in the house are added to their parent's car insurance policy?

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Q: Can a person get auto insurance on a auto if the auto is not in their name?
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Related questions

Can I obtain insurance without a car?

re: auto insurance, no; auto insurance is written on the vehicle, not on a person.

How can I find out if soomeone has auto insurance?

If you have had an accident with this person then his insurance information should be present on the accident report. If you have no claim on this person's auto insurance then it is not your business whether or not he has insurance.

Does auto insurance policy have to be in the same name as the title owner in Michigan?

Not typically. The insurance is typically in the name of the person to whom the car is registered and this is not always the name shown on the title.

How do you find a person's auto insurance company?

You just ask the person the name of his insurance company. If you have a legitimate need to know, there is no reason for them not to give it to you. If you have no legitimate claim, then they need not give you their insurance information.

What do you do if you have auto insurance and you hit a parked car whose driver does not have auto insurance?

Your insurance will have to pay regardless if the other person has insurance or not. You were at fault.

Can you get insurance on auto that is not in your name?

You can pay for insurance on an auto that is not yours...but the policy must be the titleholder's policy.

Can a Muslim person work for insurance company?

can a muslim person work for auto insurance company

Will a person who lives in New Jersey pay more auto insurance than a person who lives in Indiana?


Save Money With State Auto?

If a person is looking for the most affordable auto insurance on the market, then state auto insurance is truly a person's best bet. State auto insurance truly works to make sure that customers can afford its rates. It is a great company that provides great benefits for any person with insurance policies from this company. This makes great insurance for teens or young adults that may be driving. This is the sort of insurance that a single person can afford on a single person's income. When searching for auto insurance, it truly is important a person compare a variety of options in order to find the best and most affordable one. When he or she searches for auto insurance, State auto insurance will likely always be a top choice. This sort of auto insurance is just incredibly practical and costs a lost less than its competitors. In particular, this insurance company offers low rates to teens for auto insurance, which is quite rare given the truly great risk that teens are as drivers on the road for insurance companies.

Where can a person find cheap auto insurance in California?

One can find cheap and quality auto insurance at an insurance agency call Cost U Less auto insurance. They have cheap prices with quality insurance for customers.

What insurance companies can a person purchase auto insurance from?

A person can purchase auto insurance from many different insurance companies. Some of these companies include GIECO, State Farm, Travelers, Progressive, Liberty Mutual, and Nationwide.

Where can a person find auto insurance comparison rates?

Someone can find auto insurance comparison rates from a number of websites such as Insurance Hunter. The website Insurance Hunter offers detailed auto insurance comparisons of various companies.