If they live in the home with the parents and the parents have an insurable interest in the cars (ie they are still on title) then generally yes. It is not a case of dependent but of insurable interest.
What tax bracket would a married couple with income of $100,000 and no dependents other than selves fall into?
What tax bracket would a married couple with one dependent and an annual income of $150,000 be in?
A Married Couple !
A newly married couple can find cheap home insurance from State Farm Insurance Company. This company is reputable. State Farm provides other types of insurance as well as home insurance.
In a patrilocal residence, who leaves the household so that the married couple lives with or near the husband's parents?
Yes, a married couple does not need to have the same car insurance. They can both get their own policies and it may be more economical to do so.
Parents, if they are deceased, the siblings can.
No. Absent a court order, He is not required to provide your insurance. Bare in mind though, That as a married couple, Common law does make each spouse financially liable for the others incurred bills so long as you are a married.
"HCF, the Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia, is one of the largest providers of health insurance in Australia. Coverage for a couple is usually around $300 a month."
of or pertaining to residence with the wife's family or tribe; uxorilocal: matrilocal customs.A newly married couple that go to live near or with the parents of the bride; the husband moving to the location of the bride's parents.
No. You can name who you choose as your beneficiary.