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Depends on the state but usually no. Most states require a 15-30 day notice before cancelling a policy.

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Q: Can a life insurance policy be cancelled with out telling the owner of the policy?
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What is the cash value in an insurance policy mean?

The cash value is the amount of money your insurance policy is worth to the owner of the policy if the insurance is cancelled and the policy terminated. The insurance company will mail a check to the to the policy owner upon policy termination or cancellation by request of the owner. I would strongly encourage you to consult a professional in your area before cancelling an existing policy. There may be other options and alternatives to access the value of the policy without cancelling the insurance policy.

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Does an owner of a life insurance policy have to be the payer?

No, the owner of a life insurance policy does not have to be the payer. Pretty much anyone can be the payer.

Can a beneficary sign the policy over to someone else insurance policy?

No, only the OWNER of the insurance policy can sign the policy over. Sometimes the owner is the insured, but not always.

What is the person that buys the insurance policy called?

The person that buys the insurance policy is referred to as the policy owner. This person is the only one that can make changes to the policy or cancel it. However, there may be more than one policy owner for the same insurance policy.

Does car insurance become cancelled when the owner passes away?

Not unless the deceased calls the company to cancel. The insurance company cannot cancel the policy unless it is requested in writing by the insured or executor or if it cancels for non-payment.

How can I cancel joint life insurance when one party doesn't consent?

This will depend on some factors. Who is the policy-owner? The policy-owner is the only person who can cancel the insurance policy,

Who pays when driver is not the car owner but has car insurance?

Usually the insurance policy of the owner of the car is primary and then if the driver of the car has a policy of their own then it is secondary.

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Why does a non-owner operator insurance policy only kick in after owner's policy?

This is the terms of the contract for this type of policy. It is a secondary coverage policy and there for it will pick up after the vehicle owner's insurance policy pays first. You need to read your policy or look at the terms before you purchase it if this is not what you want.