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YES. The intake gaskets have NOTHING to do with the head gaskets. It is a very common problem that the intake gaskets blow. It is not common for the head gaskets to leak unless the engine was over heated, and I mean HOT.

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Q: Can a intake gasket be blown without signs of a headgasket problem?
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If really on top then probably the intake manifold gasket ,study it closely .

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Sounds like a blown headgasket or intake manifold gasket. Sounds like a blow intake gasket to me...It happened to My 86 Mustang and my 96 Lumina.

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if water is in oil,could be a bad headgasket!have it checked out!or a bad intake gasket.

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it would me you have a bad headgasket. a cracked head, or a bad intake gasket. have a good day!!

How do you identify intake gasket problem?

Simple method... get some carb cleaner or starting fluid. With the engine running, spray the area where the intake manifold gasket is. If you experience sudden bursts of increased RPMs, you have an intake manifold gasket issue.

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The Intake gasket is leaking, NOT THE HEAD GASKET. Replace the intake gasket

Should you replace head gaskets during intake gasket repair?

No reason to if the intake gasket is the only problem you have. If engine was running smooth and was not overheated then there is no reason to fool with the HEAD gaskets

Can a bad head gasket or intake gasket result in water in the combustion chamber?

Answer Yeas absolutuley can, Typical of the 3.8 and the 3.1 motors, Have also seen it it in the 3.4 motors. What do you have? It is probably an intake manifold gasket problem, depending on the motor.

Your car is leaking coolant from top of engine?

if its a 3.1v6,then it is a intake manifold gasket problem, the 3.1 a noted for this!! check to see if gasket is bad.

What is a intake gasket?

The intake gasket is the gasket that conncects from your air filter into your intake manifold

Can abad intake gasket in a Chevy truck 4.3 liter cause water in the egine block?

You will need to replace the intake gaskets to fix your problem. The HEAD GASKETS will not be your problem.

How do you fix intake gasket on 2000 lasabre?

The only fix for a bad intake gasket is to remove the intake manifold and replace the gasket.