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Yes. Carefully read the application and questions on the application. If this is the person driving the car when the claim happens then I can almost guarantee that the claim will be denied. Most policies state that if someone drives the vehicle who you know or should know has a suspended drivers license or no license then no coverage will be afforded. It also stated that you agree to list all household members whether or not licensed and any and all regular drivers, whether or not licensed. You always need to be truthful on the application as the application along with the policy makes up the legal insuring document. A legal contract is made up of responsibilities that you agree to and that the insurance company agrees to. You agree to be truthful, to give the insurance company all information to rate and underwrite the policy, and to pay your premiums in a timely manner. The insurance company agrees to accept your risk of loss up to the limits you purchase and to defend you against claims. If you are not truthful that is just as bad as not paying the premiums in that it breaks the contract on your part and therefore the company does not have to uphold their end on the contract.

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Q: Can a insurance company deny my claim if i dont add someone to the policy whose drivers license is suspended or don't have a license?
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If the drivers license was suspended for a DUI or DWI no.