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yes it will mine was dirty so i cleaned it. ex: i have full size silverado got 215 about on a tank. cost me about 55 to fill up. about 11.2 miles to the gallon now i get 360 about so about 16 miles to the gallon

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Q: Can a egr valve cause poor gas mileage?
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Would a clogged EGR valve cause a loss of power and poor gas mileage on a 1983 Nissan pickup?

Yes, most definitely.

Does the egr valve have anything to do with the gas mileage?

A malfunctioning EGR valve can definitely lower fuel economy.

Can a bad EGR valve cause high hydrocarbons?

Yes, the EGR valve, or port EGR

Can you block egr valve off on a terrano?

Blocking off an EGR valve can make the car run rough. The fuel mileage can suffer as well, since the car is designed to have the EGR valve operable.

What can cause exhaust to come out the sides of your egr valve?

Worn piston rings and or clogged EGR system and or failed EGR valve

Where is the egr valve on the 91 Pontiac Grand Am?

Would this cause the car not to start If the EGR VALVE is bad

What are the symptoms of a bad EGR valve in a 2000 Saturn SL?

A bad EGR valve in a 2000 Saturn can have several symptoms. The EGR valve can cause misfires, the valve can cause vacuum leak style problems. There could also be an engine knock.

Can a egr valve cause backfire?


What problems can an bad EGR valve cause?

Stumbles, dies off, low power, poor fuel economy, check engine light

Can a catalytic converter cause the EGR valve to go bad?

No, the catalytic converter is downstream from the EGR valve so it has no effect on it.

Will bad egr valve cause vehicle to stall in hot weather?

Even a good EGR valve may cause an engine to stall in hot weather.

Would a faulty egr valve cause your car to jerk?

A faulty or clogged egr valve can cause an engine to run rough. If stuck or clogged the valve can be cleaned after removal with carburetor cleaner.