Not with out being attached to a battery charger.
On a 10 amp charger in 8 hours it will charge enough to start the car, allowing the battery is god enough to charge
The battery is used to start the car, and then the alternator takes over to keep the supply of power and to recharge the battery.
Yes, when you use them enough they die. The recharging is the factor, like a car battery sort of.
If you leave the lights on the battery goes down or anything else that uses the battery over night. But if that's not it, the battery is worn out and you need to buy a new one.
Answer 1 - Aspirin and Lead-Acid Auto BatteriesThere is NO evidence that Aspirin will cause a Lead-Acid battery to recharge, OR even that it will help the battery in any way. I suspect that this is one of those Urban Legends that has developed "wings" over the years, although it has no basis in fact.
A car battery's function is to store electrical energy for your vehicle. When you start the car the stored energy in the battery turns your car over and once your car starts the alternater will power everything and recharge the battery.
Battery chargers generally operate at the same voltage as the voltage as the battery they are charging. They usually vary the amperage they feed into the battery to recharge it. A trickle charger usually only feeds a few amps into a battery to recharge it slowly over time. A fast charger feeds more amps for less time to bring the battery to full charge faster. Automotive alternators are the only charging systems that I am familiar with that generate more voltage than the battery they are charging. That's because they have to run the car AND recharge the battery at the same time. Car alternators can vary their amperage and voltage outputs to allow for the varying demands of the car and all of it's electrical devices and recharge the battery as needed.
Dead cell in the battery or something is on pulling power from the battery overnight.
I usually do over night.
Dead battery. Recharge it and see if it will start. If not, remove the battery and go have it tested.
Either your battery is discharged or dead. caused from 1) alternator not working or 2) Battery life span is over - recharge battery at Any auto parts store . if not recharging . replace battery .
The best way to charge any dead battery is to charge with low amps over an extended period of time. The best device for this is what is called a "trickle charger". You can find them at any automotive store. Make sure that while charging the battery you disconnect it from your vehicle. It is also best to sit it on a table, preferably on wood, so as to not act as a ground that will drain the battery even more. Also, once you're battery has drained completely, it won't have the same strength as a new battery, so make sure you turn off any additional electronics when the vehicle is not running so the battery doesn't die completely.
Can be a dead cell in the battery which will fully discharge the battery over night. The battery must be replaced. Of course any battery will loose it's charge over a few months of storage.