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If the sale price he gets for it doesn't wipe out the amount owed, yes, he can attempt to get the balance from you.

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Q: Can a dealer sue me for money if he repossessed my car?
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Can you sue a car dealer for repossessing a car that wasn't financed?

If you paid cash for a car and the car dealer repossessed it, yes, you can probably sue the dealer. First contact the cops. Then, you might want to contact the dealer next. Keep records of everything.

Is it possible that if someone buys a car and then gets it repossessed while still owing money on it for the people you bought the car from to sue you?

yes, unless they get the balance owed. If not they will sue for the remaining balance between what is owed and what they get from the resale.

What is your recourse in Texas if you was paying for a car to an individual who was not making payments to his lienholder and the car was repossessed?

Do you have anything in writing??Cancelled checks???Your only recourse is to sue the individual who took your money.

If the dealer sold car without a title can dealer be forced to return money?

yeah. beat him dwn. or take your case to a lawyer and get more $$$$ with sue

What can you do if you have a clear title and your car gets repossessed?

If you have a clear title, you car can't be repossessed. Either the title isn't clear or the leinholder believes monies are still owed on the car. If the title is clear, show it to the company authorizing the repossession. If you truly had clear title and there were no leins or other encumberances and a judge didn't declare that the car was to be sold to satisfy OTHER debts, you can sue for damages. If you didn't owe money to the people who had the car repossessed, you should be able to sue them for LOTSA BUCKS, and you definitely should.

If your car was repossessed paid for and retrieved within 24 hours and now everything that was in the car is missing what are your rights?

sue them

If you buy a car and pay for it in full at time of delivery can the dealer change the price the next day and get more money?

If you have something saying you have paid for the car and you have the car and title, he can't come back and ask for more money. If you have no proof that you paid full price, but you did, you may have to let him sue you or you sue him. Talking to a lawyer may help if the dealer doesn't leave you alone.

Can you be sued for a car that has been repoed?

If your car was repossessed, they will sue you for the difference in what the car sells for and the balance on the loan, plus repossession fees.

When a car is repossessed does the finance company have to sell it for the amount it is worth?

no, they will sue you for the balance owed after the sale

Can a dealer collect on repo unpaid balance?

Yes - if the car loan was with the dealer, the dealer can sue the debtor for the balance of the car loan after the car is sold to someone else.

My car was not repossessed but the account was charged off what can happen?

Will be repossessed, be patient. You either pay off, or pay off. No longer able to make payments. They will repossess the car and sue for the difference. Sorry.

Can you sue a place of business if your car is stolen?

no you can't sue but if your car is permanently stolen the you can get the dealer of your car to buy you a new one or you can put it onto your claims bonus and get your money back from what you originally paid for your car the first time you bought it. i hope i answered your question correctly.