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Q: Can a dealer sell you a car without court approval when you are in bankruptcy?
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Can a creditor seize your checking account after you file bankruptcy?

Not without the approval of the court

Can we purchase a business from a chapter 11 debtor?

Yes, with bankruptcy court approval.

How long after filing bankruptcy can you take out a loan?

Once a BK has been accepted by the court, there can be no financial activity such as loans without the approval of the BK trustee, and that simply will not happen.

You have the primary custody of your daughter. What if you move to another state?

Unless you have sole custody and the other parent has no visitation rights, you need their consent and court approval. If you move without court approval you will be in contempt of the court order regarding visitation.Unless you have sole custody and the other parent has no visitation rights, you need their consent and court approval. If you move without court approval you will be in contempt of the court order regarding visitation.Unless you have sole custody and the other parent has no visitation rights, you need their consent and court approval. If you move without court approval you will be in contempt of the court order regarding visitation.Unless you have sole custody and the other parent has no visitation rights, you need their consent and court approval. If you move without court approval you will be in contempt of the court order regarding visitation.

Can you get a reverse mortgage if you file bankruptcy?

Yes, a reverse mortgage does not have any credit requirements, however if you are in bankruptcy or filing one you may need court approval to do the reverse mortgage.

If you are 14 and live with your dad can you choose to live with your grandma?

Not without his approval, or the approval of the court, in every state.

Can i get a chapter 13 dismissed and then claim a 7?

Yes, this is actually a common thing for people to do when they cannot maintain the strict payment schedule of a chapter 13 bankruptcy. This can be done once for any reason, without court approval. However, to switch back, approval of the bankruptcy court is required, and they will rarely allow a debtor to make multiple switches. Keep in mind that these are different types of bankruptcy so some items that may not have been up for grabs to creditors with a chapter 13 are available to be sold in a chapter 7.

Can you apply for a loan while in chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Not without permission from the bankruptcy trustee/court. Yes. But you will have to overcome a lot of obstacles in order to obtain one. Some lenders will approve a home loan if you are in Chapter 13 bankruptcy but only after you have paid consistently for one year and have a credit score of 620 or above. Lenders, as a rule, will not consider a loan until you have approval from the Bankruptcy Court. You will have to ask your bankruptcy trustee for approval to get the loan. This trustee will give you an amount you are allowed to finance. Unfortunately, the amount is usually low. Here is an example: Annual income: $100,000 All payments to Bankruptcy Court have been consistent for 2 years. Credit score: 630 Amount needed to finance home: $119,000 Bankruptcy Trustee Loan Approval Amount: $65,000 Although you may qualify to receive a loan in the amount of $119,000, the bankruptcy trustee will only allow you to finance up to $65,000. If you do not have $54,000 to make up the will not be able to purchase the home. That being said, it's worth a try. So before you start looking at houses for sale, have your attorney request the bankruptcy trustee for loan approval and what amount. At least from there you will know where you stand.

Can the executor sell property in Massachusetts without all beneficiaries approval?

Yes, the only approval necessary is the court's.

How can you refinance while in bankruptcy without having to pay an attorney to go to court to get permisson to refinance?

If the party involved is participating in a Chapt. 13 filing; no major financial transactions can be made without the approval of the bankruptcy trustee. If the Chapt.7 has been discharged in most cases there will be no restrictions to refinancing, except it is doubtful a lender would be found.

Lender that is willing to lend to you now you need court approval Why do you need court approval if you are paying back all your debt?

If you are in a Chapter 13, then you cannot incur more debt without the trustees approval.

What will happen where Chapter 13 bankruptcy is dismissed due to default in payments?

Many people are unable to maintain the rigid repayment plans (and strict budget) that go along with Chapter 13 bankruptcy. One option is to switch to Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This can be done (one time) without court approval, although if you ever wish to switch back to Chapter 13 then the court will be involved. Before switching I would recommend looking at the different characteristics of each type of bankruptcy.