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Yes, but not all at once. Creditors can only garnish up to 25% of disposible income per week. Go to

for more info on garnishing wages.

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Q: Can a creditor garnish your wages in Maryland for the balance of your repossessed car?
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Can your wages be garnished for a car that was repossessed?

Yes, if there was a deficiency balance owing after the car was sold at auction. Your creditor would have to sue you and obtain judgment in order to garnish your wages.

Can your wages be garnish if your RV is repossess?

Only if you are sued for the debt. First the RV is repossessed. Then you will get collection notices in the mail. If you are going to be sued, you will get notice of that too. If you are sued, the judge can award the creditor a judgment that allows them to garnish your wages.

Can a creditor garnish your wages for a vehicle that they have repossessed?

Yes. There's a process they have to follow, which includes getting a court judgment against you. If you don't hold to that judgment (which is usually paying back the money owed), they can ask the court to garnish your wages.

Can the creditor garnish your wages for the balance of the loan owed to them after they sell the vehicle?

With FEW exceptions, YES. that is the lenders usual option to collect.

Can your wages be garnished for a vehicle that was repossessed 7 years ago?

A creditor cannot garnish your wages unless they file a lawsuit and obtained a judgment against you. The time deadline to file a lawsuit will vary by state.

Can a creditor garnish wages and seize money from a bank account in Michigan?

A creditor can garnish wages or attach assets if they have obtained a judgment against the debtor.

What payments may you have to make if your car is repossessed and can they garnish wages?

Payments are the entire balance due after the lender sells the car and YES, in most states they can garnishee your wages.

Can a creditor seize your tax refund?

If the creditor is a government agency, then yes. If the creditor has not won a court settlement to garnish your wages, then no.

Can a creditor garnish your federal wages?

becuse was the wages

Is a creditor allowed to garnish your V A Disability check?


Can a credit card company garnish wages in state of Texas for a balance less than 5000?

No. Texas does not allow creditor wage garnishment, regardless of the amount owed.

Can creditor garnish bank account with minor as beneficiary?

Yes. They cannot garnish the minor's account, however.