yes it will make bring unmetered oxygen in and the o2 sensors will pick it up and it will run lean
if it is the intake manifold YES, exhaust manifold NO.
intake manifold gasket,head gasket,cracked head,cracked block. was it overheated? was cold water added to hot engine?
My 01 deville had a cracked intake boot, between the throttle body and intake manifold, it would only leak when eng was hot.
Depending where it is cracked, yes. A cracked head can also simulate an overheated engine by pushing coolant out of the coolant reservoir.
This can be caused by a cracked head or blown head gasket.
The metal disk part of one of the valves (intake or exhaust, usually the exhaust as it is under the most stress in operation) in one of the engine's cylinders has cracked. This allows gasses from the cylinder to escape, causing that cylinder to be "weaker" than the other ones, increasing engine vibration. If the crack is in an exhaust valve (as it usually is), unburned hydrocarbons in the escaping gas will cause the car to fail emissions testing. If the crack is in an intake valve, very hot escaping gas can cause a type of "backfire" in the engine's air intake system.
Check for a cracked head or damaged head gasket. If the engine overheated at all when the reservoir was damaged, it could cause serious damage to the engine. A damaged head gasket or cracked head could cause the coolant to blow out of the cooling system even when the engine isn't very warm.
Cracked block, cracked head. Why would you do that?
You could have a bad thermostat, a blown head gasket, a cracked head.
well, if by fluid u mean coolant than yes. If coolant is leaking, there wont be anything to cool the engine temperature. Replace the cap, there very cheap.