be more specific. what kind of claim? anyting can be retracted under certain circumstances. need more information to answer.
The power antennae was retracted and provided no reception.
If there was a visa denial you cannot argue about the denial itself- you must attack the false claim. A false claim of U.S. citizenship is a permanent bar to immigrating to the U.S.- there are NO waivers. The only thing a person can argue is that they never made a false claim to citizenship, or that it was timely retracted, and finely, that the person had a valid belief he/she was a citizen (but there are certain requirements for this defense).
One can find retracted papers by searching for the paper's title or author on databases like PubMed or Google Scholar, and looking for a retraction notice or statement on the paper's page. Retracted papers are often marked as such to alert readers to the retraction.
A retracted or inverted nipple is one that doesn't stick out or protrude past the level of the surrounding skin. If the nipple has always been this way, there is no cause for concern -- it's normal. If a nipple that used to protrude now is retracted, the finding could be a sign of a mass or tumor in the breast.
Fully retracted or fully extended, the mechanism must be broken. Replace it with a new or good used one.
The teacher retracted her statement after she knew she was wrong.
Talk to the surgeon about it.
Attracted, compacted, protracted, redacted, refracted, retracted.
Nipple retraction is rarely a sign of breast cancer, and is only clinically significant if the nipple used to "stick out" and is now retracted. If it was always retracted, there is no cause for concern.
There is no concrete evidence to support the claim that Jose Rizal retracted his revolutionary ideas before his execution in 1896. The document of his retraction was not found in official records, and it is more likely that it was fabricated to tarnish his image as a nationalist hero. Rizal's writings and actions throughout his life consistently upheld his beliefs in freedom, democracy, and social justice.