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If the repossesor can verify that the car is on the relative's (or anyone besides the loanee's) property, they can then obtain a warrant, much like a police officer, since they are, in reality, investigators. They can then repossess the car in any way they see fit "as long as it's legal under repossession law." In this case, by obtaining a warrant, the repossessor CAN go through a locked fence, even destroy the fence/lock in order to get the vehicle. There is no place your vehicle is safe. They can obtain warrants to search almost anywhere you may have gone, including other states in which they contact the nearest fellow repossessor and split the repossesion fees.

... otherwise, it would be a case of "breach of peace" -- or theft, breaking and entering, trespassing, etc. I can assure you, if someone BROKE into my locked, gated, fence to get someone else's car that was parked therein, I would have my lawyer AND 911 on the phone faster than you could hot-wire the damn thing. And I can assure you that I would have your behind cooling your heels in the local pokey for B&E and trespassing by evening.

Too, I know of VERY few, if any, states where private investigators or asset recovery specialists have the same "privileges" and power as police officials. Please name the state that gives NON-official investigators the same abilities and power as OFFICiAL LE.

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Q: Can a car repossessor go through a locked fence to get a vehicle at a relative's house?
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Can a repossession agent remove the lock on a gate to retrieve a vehicle?

In most states and countries it is considered breaking and entering. * No. Entering locked property whether a building or land, or removing a lock to do so, constitutes a breach of peace. Also entering any structure locked or not to repossess a vehicle is a breach of peace unless the repossessor has a replevin or other order from the court that allows the act.

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Basically a repossessor can enter the debtor's property to recover a vehicle as long as there is not breach of peace. An example would be entering a locked or unlocked garage or remove a lock from a gate to gain access to said vehicle. The repossessor must have a photocopy of the title and a "hold harmless" agreement signed by the owner or lien holder of said vehicle. The debtor has 10 days in which to redeem or reaffirm the lending agreement with the lien holder/owner. The plates remain with the lien holder. Reposssession action is governed by 1967 UCC laws adapted to the state laws of Virginia CC Title 8.9A

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Yes, as long as the action does not constitute a breach of peace. The repossession agent may not however, remove a lock on a gate or enter a closed structure such as a garage whether it is locked or not. In a few states the repossessor cannot enter posted property, or can only do so at their own risk.

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If you own the house of the locked door you will automatically get through it. But if it's someone else's house with the locked door than you are not allowed to get through.

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They can go where they have open access to reacquire the lienholder's property. They cannot force their way through a locked door, cross a locked gate, or enter a vehicle other than the one up for repossession.

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YES. The repo company can take the car from anywhere they want with the exception of a boot on the vehicle and/or the vehicle is in a locked property such as behind a locked fence surrounding the property or locked inside of a garage. If you do not let the person onto your property with a locked fence surrounding this is a voilation of the law and ofcourse YOU can have them arrested on the spot.

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Yes, even if there is a locked gate they can reposes your vehicle.

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Hopefully it is your truck. You can call a policeman and they have the tool to help you enter your vehicle.

Can your vehicle be removed from a locked garage in Texas?

Not without a replevin order from the court of jurisdicition.

Can a repo man enter a yard that has a locked gate to get a vehicle?

No. However in most states it is a felony for someone to conceal a vehicle to prohibit a lender from repossesing it.