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Any repossession negatively affects your credit rating. Negatively affected credit ratings will affect your ability to obtain loans, typically in a negative way.

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Q: Can a car repo prevent from buying a house?
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can they send a police to my house to repo my car? can they send a police to my house to repo my car?

Can a police officer make a repo agent drop a car?

If the repo agent can demonstrate that he has lawful claim to take the car then the Police Officer cannot prevent him.

Can the bank put a lien on your house after a car repo?

Yes. They repo and sell it for next to nothing. They sue in court and get a jugement that they use to put a lien on your house. Next time buy a cheap car just to get you there and back.

Can repo man drive by house in undercover car?

Yes, a repo man can drive by a house in an undercover car. They employ various means to see where people are hiding their cars and are usually allowed to take them unless they are in a private garage.

Can whoever posted question Who is responsible for the tow truck bill after a car has been repo please check their question for updated correct answer please?

They add that into the balance of whatever is owed on the car. So the answer would be the person who is buying the car, and it gets repo'ed, pays the extra costs of the repo,

Will able to purchase a car after a repo?

Will i be able to purchase another car later on if my car is repo

Does the repo man look for the car at your family and friends house as well?

He will try to find out where you are hiding it if that is what you are doing.

Can your car be repo after 38 day's?

can my car be repo 38 day's in default?

Can you get your car back after a repo?

Husband dies, his car left at a friends house, friend would not give car up, car was voluntarily repossesed, can you still get car after a repo? What is needed?

If you bought a car in Virginia and can no longer afford it can you do a voluntary repo and not have your wages garnished?

A repo is a repo, voluntary or not. Do not do a voluntary repo or any other repo. Terrible idea!!! Call the lender and work something out. See if you can find someone to take over the payments or possible sell the car to another part and pay off the loan. If you are upside down on the loan, then sell the car and borrow the balance to pay it off. Having your car reposed is a very bad idea. Your credit will be ruined for 7 years. You will also have the pay the difference in what the lender sells your car for and the balance on the note, plus repo fees. Do whatever it takes to prevent this from happening. I can assure you the lender does not want to repo your car. Call them!!!!

Can you get an apartment with a car repo?

Q:Can you get an apartmet with a car repo? A: All apartments come without a car repo option. Sometimes you can negotiate utilities, however

Can you pay only part of repo fees to get your car back after a repossession?

YES, even though the repo may be expensive you may only pay part of it. Even though your probably better off just buying a new vehicle because you have to pay all of the repo