No. a dealership must check the vehicle and fix all "safety issues" before selling the vehicle weather it be used or brand new. safety items are things such as safety belts, windshield whipers, tail lights, headlights, door latches, windows(not cracked), airbags, all lights and emergency signals...
I want to sell cars. Do I need a dealer license to sell to the public on a low scale.
You can keep your license plate, when you sell the car. The license plate is attached to your name. When you purchase another card you can use the license plate.
Not if the car belongs to you. The license plate isn't sold with the car. You take it off before you sell it.
A license plate must be affixed to a vehicle as it was intended -- flat and level. This is so it can be easily read. After market kits don't have to be legal. Shops will sell you tint, plate covers and lights that are illegal in your state without informing you because it's up to you to know the law; they only want your money.
Yes because the people that sell it to you would be like "Why does this person need a license plat if they cant drive, legaly...?"
Southern Key Tag
A person can sell four cars in a 12 month period of time in Louisiana if they are not a licensed dealer. The annual fee for a dealership license is $200 as of 2014. There is also a $25 per year fee for a sale's license.
nothing happens to them, it;s perfectly legal for them to sell a car to anyone of legal age.
Yes, they add on a $6 fee, as well as the $101 cost of the sticker
If you trade cars, you can move your plate to the new car.