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Q: Can a car accident cause paracentral disc protrusion?
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What is paracentral disc protrusion?

Paracentral disc protrusion is a disorder of the spine that causes neck and back pain. An intervertebral disc is swollen or bulging and is putting pressure on the nerve roots when you are diagnosed with this disorder.

What does left paracentral disc protrusion seen at T9-10 touching the left hemicord mean?

You basically have a herniated disc (slipped disc) in your middle back that's pressing on your spinal cord.

What does right paracentral disc protrusion at T6-7 with moderate effacement of right anterolateral aspect of thecal sac mean?

You have protrusion of the disc between thoracic six and seventh vertebrae. This protrusion has created indentation on the sac of dura matter on the anterolateral region of the spinal cord. This can compress your spinal cord.

What does a small left paracentral disc herniation mean and how serious is it?

A disc herniation can be serious because it can cause severe pain and loss of feeling in your arms and legs. This kind of herniation basically means the rubbery cushion between the bones has moved out of its proper place.

What is a paracentral protrusion of disc effaces the epidural fat minimally effaces the thecal sac on L5 S1?

This describes a minor bulging of a spinal disc at the L5-S1 level, which is causing a slight compression of the thecal sac (the membrane surrounding the spinal cord) and minimal displacement of the epidural fat. It may lead to symptoms like low back pain or sciatica. Tracking the condition with a healthcare provider is recommended.

Can the problem of left paracentral disc protrusion at l5-s1 where the disc is abutting the left traversing nerve root be solved without surgery?

I've got the same problem but with a right sided protrusion, my osteopath and sports rehab therapist are confident i can stabilise it with yoga, swimming and area specific strengthening exercises! will let you know....

Does a small central disc protrusion with minimal impingement cause pain?


What is a subligamentous disc protrusion?

Lumbar disc protrusion is a common spinal disc condition that causes lower back pain and other symptoms throughout a patient's lower body. The lumbar spine (lower back) is susceptible of disc protrusion because it supports most of the body's weight and is extremely flexible.

What does it mean to have Left paracentral annular tear with asymmetric disc protrusion causing anterior thecal sac compression and mild narrowing of both neural foraminae Can it be cured completely?

What do they do for this. It is some kind of operation done?

Can a acident cause a disc bulge?

Yes a accident can cause a disc bulge

What is mild annular bulging with small central disc protrusion?

small central disc protrusion at c3-4

What is superimposed central protrusion?

superimposed central & left disc protrusion